Cacao, Movement & Sound Journey
1:00 PM13:00

Cacao, Movement & Sound Journey

As we work with our guides, our ancestors, the elemental energies and this beautiful medicine of the heart, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities of healing.

Join us for an evening of ceremony and sound. I will first be guiding you into a Shamanic Cacao Ceremony as we weave our intentions and prayers into the space, for ourselves and for the collective.

We will move our bodies with a short guided practice to open ourselves physically to receive the sound to its fullest potential. As we shake off the day, we then come to lay, as the cacao moves through every cell and we journey together through an eclectic soundscape of electronic sounds, live instruments, and vocal layers. Through the blend of active and receptive practices, we trust that you will receive exactly what you need.

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Ecstatic Dance Lisbon
11:00 AM11:00

Ecstatic Dance Lisbon

Come and sweat your prayers with us on a Saturday morning - the best way to start your weekend!!

About The Event

Ecstatic dance is a unique and liberating form of movement meditation that encourages you to express yourself freely through dance and rhythm. Unlike traditional dance forms, ecstatic dance doesn't adhere to specific choreography or structure. Instead, it emphasises on self-discovery and a deep connection to the present moment. You are encouraged to let go of inhibitions, judgment, and self-consciousness, allowing your body to move intuitively to the music. This practice often takes place in a communal and safe environment, where you can explore your inner landscape, release emotions, and tap into a state of blissful ecstasy. Through this form of dance you can access a profound meditative state, transcending the boundaries of the mind and achieving a heightened sense of self-awareness and interconnectedness with the world.

By surrendering to the rhythms and melodies of the music, you can experience a profound sense of oneness and inner peace. Think of it as a movement meditation, that offers a holistic approach to mindfulness, allowing you to access a meditative state through physical expression. The absence of words or structured poses in ecstatic dance enables a direct and authentic connection to one's inner wisdom, emotions, and spirit, making it a transformative and deeply cathartic practice for many.

We can't wait to see you there!

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Sweat your Prayers - Ecstatic Dance with Cacao & Live Music
5:00 PM17:00

Sweat your Prayers - Ecstatic Dance with Cacao & Live Music

Sunset Sunday Session up in the mountains of Ibiza.

Join our tribe as we intentionally open up the dance space with a cacao ceremony to drop us into our hearts and our bodies. We will dance with the waves of the music, as we weave together in ceremony and ecstatic dance and close with some beautiful sounds from Yuna Earth.

Booking link coming soon.

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Winter Solstice Day Retreat
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Solstice Day Retreat

Join me in a beautiful location for a day retreat in Switzerland, held on Winter Solstice

The day will be a full power, nourishing space filled with meditation, movement and music.

Full Schedule:

10am: Meditation and Cacao Ceremony
11.30: Break
12: Dance Journey through the Elements
2pm Lunch
4: Sharing Circle & Talk
5.30: Break
6pm: Sound Bath
7pm Closing

Location: Sacred Castle, Blitzingen, Wallis

Price is 150CHF
This includes all of the above and lunch

For tickets contact Svenja on +41 795 137 387

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Album Preview Evening
6:00 PM18:00

Album Preview Evening

Soundscape Journey & Cacao Ceremony ~ The Unstruck Sound - Album preview

Saturday 3rd December 6-9pm ~ €35 ~ Noah's garden, San Lorenzo

Myself & Arktara Rose invite you to join us for a special intimate event, a cosy evening with friends, as we gather in a beautiful space, Arktara will guide us with the heart medicine of cacao and I will take us on a journey through sound and frequency.

My soundscapes are an enticing blend of watery emotional depth, earthly rooted tones and heavenly ethereal highs, woven together with electronic and acoustic sounds that transport the listener into a hypnotic journey. It inspires people to stop and listen, to go inwards and to melt into their heart.

My Debut album “The Unstruck Sound” will release in December ’22 - A journey from start to finish, starting slowly, peaking mid-way and softening towards the end.

Arktara is a cacao ceremonialist with deep roots to the Mayan lands of Guatemala since 2014. She shares the cacao medicine with an open heart and with honour to its ancestral heritage. In ceremony she invites those drinking with her to slow down and listen to the whispers of their soul.

Ticket link

Spaces are limited and need to be booked in advanced

For more information please contact Arktara

Email -

Sending so much love,

Joanna & Arktara

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Medicine Festival
to Aug 21

Medicine Festival

A festival for the people and the planet. I’ll be supporting the healing and wellness space, come and say hi!

Medicine is a registered Community Interest Company (C.I.C). All profits will go to help empower indigenous peoples to preserve and protect their land, traditions, and wisdom. Medicine is about interweaving communities and bridging cultures – wisdom keepers, indigenous communities visionaries, artists, and solutionaries of all traditions to inspire and ignite a deeper understanding of how we can tread lightly, and live harmoniously as we support each other in the creation of the world we want to see – an equitable and thriving world.

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Heartwood Festival
to Aug 7

Heartwood Festival

Djing the opening night for this beautiful, intimate festival in the rolling hills of Wiltshire.
Small party, big heart!

Brought to you by one of the founders of Noisily Festival of Music & Arts, Heartwood is an intimate gathering with 350 guests and a handful of the finest festival professionals money can’t buy.

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