And so it flows...

I came around in the arms of a dear brother; I was in the pool, crying and shaking uncontrollably, he held me tight and repeated, “you are safe, you are safe.” It took some time for me to catch my breath, for the body cramps to subside and for the tears to stop falling. I was trying to remember how I got here. And then it all came flooding back.

After a week in my first water training, which was just over 3 years ago now, the water family decided to have a sharing and play day. My fellow student decided to offer me breath work at the same time as receiving in the water. Despite feeling pretty emotional already, being the “yes” woman I am, I thought, why not. I realise this is not the conventional way to receive Wataflow, so please don’t be scared off by my experience, this is merely to share my own life-changing and profound experience. To be honest, it’s hard to express in words.

He held me in the water, gently gliding me through, whilst I took deep breaths. Apparently it wasn’t long until I was silent, having exhaled completely, he was waiting for my next breath. Around two minutes later I literally catapulted out of the water and, luckily, he caught me. Once I came around he asked me how my birth was, to which I couldn’t answer. He offered, “From what I feel, you just experienced a total rebirth, and reprogrammed the trauma that you experienced back then. I wasn’t one that really believed in rebirths, until I actually experienced it for myself. Whatever it was, it was powerful and it changed me. When I later asked about my birth, it made sense. Most births are traumatic and what we receive in those pivotal moments of coming into this world, imprints on a cellular level, and impacts our adult life.

Water Therapy/Watsu/Wataflow/Water Healing Dance are all forms of healing in the water, in which the giver holds the receiver, weightless and glides them through the water. Sometimes head above the water, and if you’re ready, under the water too, which is a whole other world! As I’ve shared, it’s one of the most healing and transformative therapies I’ve had the pleasure of receiving, and giving. Why? Well, when was the last time you were held, so unconditionally, and weightless in the water; probably in your mothers womb, right?

Created initially for those that struggled with mobility and that required healing through more mechanical movements in the water, this modality has molded and shaped into many other variations over the last few years. Further styles have become more of a dance, a flow, between giver and receiver, as they almost merge as one in the water. Mostly done in warm, natural water pools, and also, the sea. Now, that’s a whole other world. Held and supported by the femininity of the sacred waters. Wow.

The invitation in receiving this beautiful therapy is to completely surrender yourself and trust in the process. If one really allows themselves to let go and receive, it can, and most likely will be, a deep and transformational experience. As you flow through the water, your parasympathetic nervous system shuts down, allowing your whole system to relax, which can lead to receiving visuals and messages from Source. It’s in this space that deep healing can occur. Not only on a physical layer, also emotional, mental and spiritual.

It’s also amazing for the spine as it moves in all directions. It’s an opportunity to receive from the most unconditional place. To be nurtured, and held, and loved. We often don’t realise how much we’re actually holding in the body, until we’re held in the water. Even the stillness here, alone, can allow the process to travel deep into your heart. Surfacing memories. It’s a remembrance. It’s a coming home.

Personally, I feel most at home in the water. It feels like my safe place. In the water I feel fluid, and present, as all life ought to be. The recent training I completed was the most divine 2 weeks of deep surrender, bringing me into such a present space, giving and receiving, sharing and loving all unconditionally. I cannot express in words enough, I feel everyone needs to experience this once in their life. It has to be felt, that’s all I can say.

May we pray for our sacred waters. May we all surrender to the flow of our lives. May we allow ourselves to receive. Now, I pray that I can create a safe and sacred space for all to receive, a water temple, a home. Let us remember and rise together in water love.

Love always

Jo LewinsComment