21 Days of Self Healing... 1 - 21 December
You don’t have to be Reiki attuned to self heal. With intention and your heart healing hands, you can sit in sacred space and meditate to bring in healing for yourself. Although we will predominantly working with your energy body, self healing is a holistic process. It’s not only about your auric field, it’s about what you put in your physical body, it’s about your mental thoughts that are SUPER powerful, it’s about your environment, your stress levels, how you move your body, your spiritual practices and how much you rest.
I invite you to join me and our global family of light workers that are feeling called to sit in ceremony and ritual in this time. As we transition through this full moon and Lunar Eclipse energy, a lot is shifting for us all. What a powerful time we are in! As you've probably been feeling, we've been in a HUGE and powerful time of healing and transformation. Scorpio season often brings about big death and rebirth in your life. We've all been traveling through our own tunnels of healing, as individuals and as a collective.
As we head towards the Winter Solstice there will be a big shift in the planetary alignment, bringing about much more clarity, freedom, joy and liberation. The question is, are you allowing yourself to really let go of all the old stuff that has been surfacing and showing itself, so that you can really liberate yourself into a new way of being, or will you continue to repeat cycles that no longer serve you? This is what this time is about.... it's your time to chose as we move into a New Earth.
We will begin tomorrow, on December 1st, and commit to ourselves to show up daily for just 21 minutes a day. It's entirely up to you how much you commit, I'm simply offering you some guidance and I will also be doing it with you! It's so powerful knowing that when we sit in prayer and healing, we are sending out a powerful loving frequency out into the collective, together as a global family, which is so needed in this time.
I will be sharing stories on my instagram daily for contemplations. An email will be sent out every 3 days as we move through the chakras (sign up to the newsletter to receive them). Starting at the Root Chakra, clearing out all the old stuff as we move up to the Crown Chakra for conscious connection.
I personally love to wake and get straight into my practice from dream space, as I haven't been influenced by any outside stimuli. This means I'm clearer and in a place where I can drop in deeper, more quickly, and reflect on messages that may have come through in dreams. The veils feel thin and I find more light pours in, in these moments. Or perhaps you'd prefer evening to process your day and soften into dream space. You decide.
I invite you to create an altar or a sacred space that is just yours, where you won't be disturbed. In this place you may have cushions, crystals, cards, deities and candles. It doesn't have to be complicated, lighting a candle to connect to your higher self is plenty.
Make it cosy and sacred so that you look forward to spending time there. Whether you chose to do morning or evening, or both, do your best to show up for at least 21 minutes a day for 21 days in a row. Connect to your breath, release all tension in the body and soften deeply into your space. If you'd like to use your hands, place them on the body where you feel guided to go. I encourage you to journal through these days for insights that come, sensations in the body, thoughts, creative downloads... see what comes through.
Below is a simple guided meditation for self healing that will guide you through the chakras, download for free and enjoy
Much love