Beauty, I would love to share something with you... you hear that little whisper in your heart? The inner voice that speaks to you in moments of silence or even shouts loudly so that you pay attention and listen? You know that voice and that inescapable feeling when you lay your head to rest at night? That stir in the pit of your stomach that aches for you to feel her, to be heard? She’s trying to tell you something... she knows, she’s wise, she’s got your back, you know.
And I know, I know there are many times that you don’t want to listen. You don’t want to listen because it’s easier to ignore the whispers and find distractions elsewhere; you seek comfort through another to provide what you are lacking within yourself, you lean into addictions to fight the pain, you busy yourself with work and social media, so the voices disappear, even if just momentarily. And perhaps you don’t want to listen, because listening means facing some really big fears you have kept buried deep, hidden from view, and it means being uncomfortable, it means facing up to the truth, stepping into the unknown, removing the shackles and the conditioning that have been so heavily placed around your soul.
Your sixth sense, your gut, your intuition, whatever you want to call it, she knows. Sometimes we don’t even know how, or why, but we know she does! Wise soul is she. And perhaps there are times when she has to make it so uncomfortable for you, she needs to take you down to the darkest of places, to spin you around, chew you up, spit you out and pick you up again so that you can learn, grow, evolve. I ask you to surrender in these times, trust and know, there is a higher force at work and that brighter days are coming. This is all just a part of the process, your journey into awakening.
And what happens when you don’t listen? What impact does it have on your being when you shut those voices down? It starts to creep in through other ways, in physical ailments, illness, and depression. There’s a subtle sense that something’s not quite right, your being feels out of balance, and sometimes the messages even start to come through in dream-space.
It’s happening, and you can’t ignore them anymore. Now your body is screaming out for help. The soft whispers have gone into rest mode while your physical body sends the messages loud and clear. The emotions that have been suppressed, ignored, pushed aside, now start to appear on the surface. “Hey!”, your body shouts, “hey, are you listening yet?!, I’m not happy!”
And now it’s time, it’s finally time to step off the treadmill and listen. It’s time to sit and enquire and see what’s going on. It’s time to feel the feelings and to see what they are attached to, what’s holding on, what needs to be heard? It’s ok, you’re safe, she’s got you. Feel it, feel it all, sit in the depths of all of you, ask, listen, validate and know that it’s ok, it’s all ok.
Trust me, I know, I know how much easier it is to pretend like everything’s ok. As you portray a life that looks good on the surface, you push the feelings in your heart aside. But when and if you allow the space to breathe, the silence rages around you and the emotions course through your veins, she’s ever so present now.
Trust your heart. Trust your soul. There’s only so long it can be ignored before the truth is revealed; remember, the truth always sets you free. And when you listen, really listen, the universe hears you and rewards your bravery tenfold. Trust. Listen. Have Courage. Follow your Heart. They say following your heart means losing your mind… maybe they’re right :)
Love Always