Shamanic Cacao ceremonies
Hosting ceremonies online and in person
Book me for your private retreats
“Jo's cacao ceremonies have a unique magic to them - something so simply relaxing, yet deeply profound. Jo holds a beautiful safe and sacred space, even online it feels just as connected as though we're all right next to each other, where each person is safe to be whatever they need in the moment. Honestly, I just love Jo's ceremonies with all my heart and am grateful to have discovered the wonder of cacao through her. I never know where each ceremony is going to take me, but it always ends up being exactly where I need to be and it often feels like her words and wisdom are messages straight for my heart.”
what is cacao?
Cacao, a sacred plant, is mostly found growing in trees in Central and South America. The pods have beans inside that are then consumed in various ways: powder, nibs, and butter. When used raw, it is bitter to taste, so it’s often blended with other ingredients such as agave (to sweeten), spices, and alternative kinds of milk. Everyone has their own unique way.
Used in its natural form, cacao has many health benefits (not like the chocolate you find on the shelves, which are mainly sugar and dairy).
These include:
- Anandamide, which boosts mood and energy
- Antibacterial properties which help boost the immune system
- Antioxidants that help improve skin and reduce ageing
- Iron, Magnesium, Potassium
- Flavonoids that have a positive impact on the brain as more blood flows there
- Theobromine, a mild stimulant that helps to open the heart (mood booster)
Cacao actually translates to “heart blood,” which is why it is said to be a medicine of the heart and/or heart-opening. As we tune in to this medicine during a ceremony, we are tuning into our heart chakra, gently opening it up to feel into the deep wisdom that resides here.
Sitting in a ceremony is an opportunity to receive and create space and time to be with oneself. This is a time for tapping into our true and authentic selves, listening to the heart’s whispers, feeling love, connection, and harmony.
This sacred plant has been used ceremonially for thousands of years by the Mayans for spiritual and medicinal purposes; as we sip on this medicine, I truly believe it is infused with ancient wisdom and tradition.
It’s all totally legal and won’t induce a hallucinogenic effect like other plant medicines; it’s much more gentle on the body, the heart, and the mind. It brings you into a place of deep peace, connection, and unconditional love.
In my ceremony spaces I invite my receivers to do some self-inquiry; I want them to sit and tune-in to their hearts as we open up space together in a Shamanic ceremony. I use music as a way to assist the journey; sometimes it’s meditative, and other times it’s expressive dance, depending on the group. Together we weave our energies in the space and call upon support from all of the Wisdom Keepers, Guides, and Great Spirit.
I love to hold these spaces for others. I am honoured to bring the lineage from the Andes into the hearts and lives of those who don’t otherwise have access to these places. These times aren’t easy in many ways, although it has brought us more together through the ethers of our collective consciousness. Now is the time to be finding our hearts and authentic selves. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time for ceremony!
healing ceremony
A deep 2 hour healing journey. A co-creative space in which we collectively put our prayers into the medicine and the field. I then take you on a journey for you to receive your guides and spirit animals, using my voice, energy work and sound. Always a powerful space in which wonderful healing occurs.
Held in Groups or Privately 1-1.
movement ceremony
A 2 hour activation journey. A co-creative space in which we collectively put our prayers into the medicine and the field. I then take you on a journey into movement as medicine. We dance, we shake, we release, we receive all that we are ready to receive. I then take you down into a Shamanic sound journey for you to decompress and arrive back.
Held in Groups.
preparing for ceremony
If you intend to join your soul family in an online ceremony here is some important information so that you are prepared.
Please avoid consuming cacao if:
- You are taking any form of anti-depressant
- You are pregnant and caffeine sensitive
- You have high blood pressure and/or heart problems
- You are taking any medication for heart or blood pressure issues
You are still welcome to join in ceremony with tea or another hot drink as it’s your intention that is EVERYTHING.
Cacao will increase blood flow and oxygen in the blood, which makes you feel more awake, joyful and present. but does not have hallucinogenic effects.
If you are sensitive to stimulants, prepare a lower dose between 10-20mgs instead of the usual 40mg ceremonial dose.
Ensure to drink plenty of water before and after as cacao can be quite dehydrating on the system.
By taking part in any ceremony, in person, or online, you are solely responsible for your own health and wellbeing, given the above recommendations.
Preparing your cacao and your space:
- Create a sacred space that is quiet, cosy and has space for you to lie down
- Light a candle that represents your higher self
- Have a journal to note your intentions and your experiences
- And most importantly, come with your open and willing heart, ready to receive
Below are 2 recipe suggestions for brewing up your cacao - enjoy!