Our beautiful bodies are always in communication with us … Are you listening?
They are in a continual healing cycle; they know exactly what we need and when, however, it is our job to listen to that inner voice and give that cycle our conscious help. Modern day living, the stress of work, the environment we live in, relationship issues, of life in general, can all start to take their toll and impact our overall wellbeing. In the Western world we have separated mind from body; we’ve been taught to reach for the medication instead of the meditation. And with illness and disease escalating in our modern world, it’s time to bring them back into harmony.
As humans in this physical world, we tend to suppress a lot of negative emotions in the body; sadness, anger, hurt, and resentment etc. We are conditioned to succeed, to be ambitious, driven, and powerful, with no real time to stop and feel. Our yin and our yang energies are out of balance. Over time, these negative vibrations and frequencies impact our overall health, and can often result in physical ailments and dis-ease in the body. It's only then that we start to question our lifestyle and begin to think about how we can improve our lives. The four pillars of healing, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, are all interlinked and connected. When one is out of balance, it's likely the others are too. When one is worked on and rebalanced, the others are naturally improved.
I take a very holistic approach to my work, not only seeing you as a physical body, but a mind, soul, and being of energy too. I am simply guiding you back to yourself and to your truth. I'm holding the space for you to receive, facilitating your journey and working as a channel to guide you and provide you deeper insights for your overall healing and awakening.
“Jo is a Master of working with energetics and with light. Since coming into my life, Jo has turned me onto the practice of Reiki for myself and for others, and through her influence, I have been able to shift so many limiting beliefs. She is a rockstar mentor and teacher, holding so much space for us all with kindness and attention to the beauty that can exist in all moments. I love having her in my life and look forward to co-creating with her brightness.”
Experience the unlimited nature of Reiki and all it has to offer as we move through all four pillars of the body; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. Reiki is a beautiful way to travel deep into the seat of your subconscious, releasing any blockages in the subtle body, suppressed emotions, anxiety and stress, and anything else that no longer serves you and your higher self. Connect to your mind, body and soul, as one.
I work holistically and shamanically, using a combination of energy work, crystals, sound frequencies and sacred essences, cleansing the aura and the spirit. Feel lighter, more grounded, energised, connected & aligned. Gain more clarity and a deeper understanding of yourself to assist you as you move through life. The more you allow yourself to surrender and receive, the more you will experience its boundless effects, receiving messages from your guides and whatever else your soul is ready for.
You are held in a safe and sacred space, where all is welcome and accepted. A session is just the start of your journey and the effects of the work continue far beyond the treatment room. After receiving just one session, clients have experienced spirits and blockages lifting from them during the treatment, and most report huge shifts in their life after our time together, described as a subtle, yet deep awakening in their heart and their spirit.
Read testimonials from clients here
Also available for private bookings and retreats, get in touch
90 minutes: €100
Home visits: €120
Distant Healing 60 mins: £60
(Packages available in 3, 5 or 10 sessions)