Brand Activation: Need to get some clarity on what you’re creating?

“Art is the stored honey of the human soul”

Creative Consultancy
Logo Design
Brand Deck
Creative Consultancy: 2 x 60 minute consultancy sessions to get you super clear on your vision and how you want to bring your brand into the world. We talk mission statement, target audience, creative solutions and big visions.
Logo Design & Development:
A few logo concepts will be presented, with a call/meeting to discuss, followed by 2 rounds of iterations. Final artwork will be supplied in various formats to use across all media and platforms.
Brand Deck: Brand Identity for company use that will include your logo in different formats/designs, colour palettes, brand typography and styling - supplied as a PDF with all the files you need. Great for using as you birth your brand into the world so people get you and who you are. This will give you clarity around your brand, your style and overall look and feel.
Approximate Timeline: 8 weeks
Prices: from £1600*
*payment plans available

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep”

Growing your Brand:
Your brand is already established and now you need some extra support in building and growing it. This package is a retainer option for those that need monthly support and input. What’s included?:
Whatever you need! From web pages, to social media creative and content, to meetings to discuss creative forecasting and marketing for your brand. It’s tailored to your needs. You receive 4 hours input per month*.
£300/month** (3 month minimum)
*no hours rollover to the next month. If you need overtime, as a loyal client, they will be charged at £50/hr
**paid upfront at the start of each month

“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul”

Your brand is established, you have built a client base and now you need a website that grows traffic, sells your offerings, grows your subscriber list and get seen more!
Web Build: Websites are built in Squarespace and will require all the copy, images and relevant information to be supplied.
from £2000*
*monthly payment plans are available