Makin’ Art from the Heart

We came here to create, my loves. To soar! We came here to be our true selves and to follow our true hearts desires. Each of us are here to express in our own unique and beautiful way. I create through music, movement and art and I’m here to assist you in your own rising. It’s all about remembering, owning and speaking your truth, your he.ART. You hold all the answers, I just help you to anchor them in and then share those gifts with the world through intuitive creative and purpose activation.

With nearly 2 decades in the creative arts and a decade in the healing arts, I have all the tools to cut through the BS and get down to business. So, whether you want to receive healing in my spaces or receive powerful 1:1 work to get clarity on your purpose, let’s go! From diving deep into your heart, to activating that out into the world. It’s time for you to live your wildest dreams, babes!


I believe in creating a better world…

For our children, and our children’s children. Life is changing rapidly. Our world is shifting right in front of our eyes. Looking after our bodies, our hearts and our spirits isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity. When we are in alignment with our true purpose and passion we create a natural, harmonious balance within ourselves, and therefore the world. In this place of peace, we reside in tranquility and joy. This all comes with being in our truest, most authentic expression. What are you here to create?