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Creating Ripples – Letting LightWork Lead the Way

Those that know me well know how passionate I feel about Reiki and LightWork. That over the last decade or so, my journey has taken me far & wide, deep and high, and my dedication to the process of awakening still continues on. Even when there have been times that I have strayed a little off the path, I’ve always been guided back. And I truly believe following the path of Reiki has supported me endlessly and beautifully. I have written some pieces on Reiki over the years... to inspire, to offer advice, to teach, and now as my evolution continues to unfold and take place, I feel it’s time to share some more.

Reiki is a form of energy work that I use as my anchor to all the healing work I share. Reiki quite literally translates to “universal life force energy”. There is an infinite source of light energy available for us to call upon whenever we need it. We all have the capability to sit and tune into this energy, if we so wish, Reiki simply amplifies our connection to it.

When one is attuned into the Reiki lineage, it’s like receiving a beautiful blessing from above, and is done as a short and sacred ritual that stays with you for life. It really is a gift. To be able to tune into this infinite source, to be able to give yourself hands on healing, is truly one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. It allows you to open up as a channel to receive the light to move through you and ignites your soul. When you work with your energy body, you’re tapping in on a cellular level, that also influences your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies; so it’s all encompassing and connected. It doesn’t take much to have a deeply powerful experience. Yummy right?

Often I see people seeking outside of themselves for answers, (I don’t exclude myself from this), when actually our greatest teacher, our inner guru, is within. Yes, we can gain knowledge through reading and experiencing, no doubt, yet I believe the true answers that we’re searching for about ourselves lie within. When one begins the process of self-healing, using Reiki, it quite literally clears the way for clarity to reign. The process can be uncomfortable, as the unwinding takes place and all the suppressed trauma begins to surface, however, once this has been processed, opening occurs. Growth and expansion are inevitable. Truth is revealed. Healing is believing. And your connection to Source, to Spirit, to your Higher Self becomes stronger.

So, what is a Lightworker exactly? I’ve read many different versions of what this means, and as I couldn’t express it better myself, in the words of Rebecca Campbell

A Lightworker is anyone who devotes their life to being a bright light in the world. They understand that their actions (no matter how big or small) have the potential to raise the vibration of the planet. A Lightworker soul is awake, conscious that their presence matters and that they are part of something that is bigger than them.

Lightworkers are not just tie-dye wearing hippies and healers with dreads. Far from it. They are teachers and chefs, writers and singers, producers and cleaners, mothers and mediums. A Lightworker is someone who makes a conscious decision to endeavour to answer the call of Source (light) over the call of the ego (fear).

Lightworkers turn their light on by following what lights them up and then effortlessly sharing that light with the world around them. They are in tune with the callings of their soul and act on its whispers regardless of fear. They do not need to convince anyone of anything, rather just be the light.

Just by reading this you are working your light. By following what you love, you are working your light. By choosing a higher thought when you find yourself in a bad mood, you are working your light. By encouraging someone instead of criticizing them you are working your light. By sharing your unique gifts you are working your light. By connecting to the unlimited supply of love in The Universe, you are working your light. By being true to yourself, you are working your light. By being kind and compassionate, you are working your light.

My definition of a Lightworker is: someone who wholeheartedly makes the decision to make the world a brighter place by them being in it. The more conscious we get, the higher our vibration and the more aligned to Source we become. The more conscious we are, the more we see how everything is connected and how we fit into a larger whole

So why am I so passionate? Well, over the years I’ve had my share of non-believers, mainly because it’s not tangible and they want to make sense of it, to understand it. I get it. Many years ago I didn’t get it either. I was cynical about all of it. Even when I received my very first taste of it at a spiritual gathering around 12 years ago I was kind of like, hmmm interesting.... now what? Little did I know that a few years later it would come back around and change my life.

For me, Reiki was one of the main modalities that “woke me up”. After receiving my level 1 & 2 attunement in close succession, my entire life did a total 180. Without going into all of the details, it was as if a higher force was at work, and all that wasn’t in alignment fell away. This process continues to happen as the years unfold. When I make choices that “spirit” or my higher self doesn’t agree with, I’m metaphorically slapped across the face by the “no!! This isn’t for you anymore” in all areas of my life. That is no exaggeration.

I’ve seen that the deeper I go into this “journey”, and the more I learn, the less I feel I know. There is no room for boredom when there is so much to learn and experience, it’s truly endless; what a beautiful world we live in. One thing I know for sure though is this, stepping into lightwork is not an upward journey into a place of mastery that ends feeling like “I’ve made it!” far from it. In my experience, the highs come, where all is in divine alignment, and the call to be on “the path” is pure and all there is, no questions asked. Yet, as most things in life, what goes up must come down, and I have found the higher I go with my lightwork, the deeper I have to travel into the shadows to unravel more layers, each time I’m uncovering more and more, shedding, accepting all parts of myself... it’s the yin and the yang, the pivoting that happens to keep all in balance. Again and again, bringing me back into my heart for deeper self-love, compassion and understanding. 

When I stepped into teaching around 3 years ago I had no idea it would expand in the way it has done, I was just listening to the whisper inside my heart. I share Reiki as I feel it guides receivers to listen to their own internal compass, and when we live in a world where we are so overstimulated, I feel it’s imperative to be able to tune into this space. And the reason I continue to teach and share is because if just 1 person comes for an attunement, and then goes into their own self-healing, then shares with friends and family, that ripple effect has already impacted many peoples lives. So teaching for a weekend and sharing with 10, who then share with 10, means 100 people receive, and so on. There is no act too small. It’s the butterfly effect.

So my prayer is this; that we all listen to the callings within our soul, and follow, despite any fears. That we always chose to follow the light that leads our way and carves our path, in whichever way that is. That we shine our light and impact those around us; to make a difference, to make a change, to remember who we came here to be. That we start shining from within, and then shine outwardly, having done the inside job. That we trust in life. That we listen. That we believe in creating a beautiful world for our future generations to live in. No mountain too tall… for all to shine.

Love always